FWF Emerging Fields grant for search of immunotherapy against childhood cancer

Another grant to support exciting research!

The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) has awarded a grant from its new Emerging Fields funding scheme to the DART2OS project. 

DART2OS, led by Johannes Zuber, seeks to develop personalised immunotherapies for children suffering from osteosarcoma, an aggressive bone cancer. By leveraging a range of technologies and approaches the aim is to deeply characterise osteosarcoma and use the information to develop patient-specific T cells for therapy. 

The project is a multidisciplinary collaboration between Johannes Zuber (IMP), Sabine Taschner-Mandl (St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Institute), Dietmar Rieder (University of Innsbruck), Johannes Huppa (Medical University of Vienna), Michael Traxlmayr (BOKU University) and Anna Obenauf (IMP). 

You can read more on the IMP website here and the Austrian newspaper Der Standard here


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